Novel Transportation & Mobility

We sit at the precipice of a new era in transportation and mobility.

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

Innovations in electronic vehicles will soon make the internal combustion engine obsolescent. 5G wireless technology and innovations in artificial intelligence will enable a technology grid that is smarter and more efficient than we can even contemplate today. Autonomous vehicles will reshape the day of consumers, freeing up hours to be redirected toward media consumption, work, or commerce. Each of these innovations will potentially undermine the notion of personal car ownership, as each edges us closer to an era of autonomous, on-demand car sharing.

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

Countless modern concepts owe their invention to the availability of rapid, efficient personal mobility: suburbia and supermarkets, to-go containers and teenage independence, camping and convenience stores. Indeed, before the automobile, the railroad opened up the middle of continents; before the railroad, the steamship kicked off a century of global migration.

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

It is impossible to predict today the full extent of transformation this new era of transportation and mobility will unleash. However, as we evaluate the consumer landscape for opportunities, we remain cognizant of how these innovations could fundamentally alter categories across the consumer economy.


24-7 owns consumer brands companies. We build brand relationships and drive growth across consumer segments by elevating the human experience at every interaction, developing customers for life.

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