Health and Wellness

Massive shifts are taking place across consumer segments as health and wellness become core differentiators in choice.

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

Increasing wealth in a country tends to  lead to health and wellness issues. The resulting lifestyles often cause dietary and exercise patterns that are associated with increased risk of several chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and osteoporosis.

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

Consumers are changing; attitudinal and behavioral analyses indicate consumers are becoming more selective in their product and lifestyle choices. While this shift to healthier product choices started in affluent segments, consumers across all income groups, demographic and age cohorts are seeking healthier lifestyles after seeing their parents and grandparents suffer from diabetes and other debilitating diseases.

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

The U.S.D.A. estimates that healthier diets might prevent $71 billion per year in medical costs and lost productivity.1 It also reports that 14% of all deaths have been attributed to unhealthy diets and / or sedentary lifestyles. 

At 24-7, we strongly believe that health and wellness is not a fad and will continue to be a determinant in almost all consumer decisions.


1 High Costs of Poor Eating Patterns in the United States, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.


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