Diversity of Households

The population is older, more diverse, less wedded to marriage, and increasingly living in multi-generational households. 

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

Families have never been more ethnically, racially and religiously diverse. Women are increasingly influencing purchasing decisions.

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

The growth in the buying power of minorities is the consumer story of the 21st century.

Serving the World. Making a Difference.® | 24-7 Global company website

24-7 believes embracing diversity is an opportunity to create competitive advantage by building brand relationships across consumer segments and by backing companies with deep roots in these diverse backgrounds and communities.


24-7 owns consumer brands companies. We build brand relationships and drive growth across consumer segments by elevating the human experience at every interaction, developing customers for life.

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